Bitch Please

Marketing Research Process and Ethics
Topic 1: As with most businesses in the markets today, in order to increase profits and meet the needs of customers, improving products and services is of the utmost importance (PAGE 3). In order to accomplish this, organizations need to gather and make available various types of information through what is known as marketing research. According to Brown, T., Suter, T.A., & Churchill Jr., G.A. (2014), marketing research is the process of gathering and interpreting data for use in developing, implementing, and monitoring the firm’s marketing plans (p.4). A specific sequence of events within marketing research, also known as the marketing research process, needs to be followed in order to obtain information necessary for decision making within organizations. These steps, or sequence of events will be used to analyze the marketing research scenario of the FlyRight Airline Company.
In order to analyze the scenario of the FlyRight Airline Company to ensure that the proper steps were taken according to the marketing research process, we must first obtain a better understanding of the situation at hand. The FlyRight Airline Company wants to alter the interior layout of its aircraft in order to better meet the needs of the business customers. This will be done by reducing the number of seats and installing tables for business use during long flights. To ensure that these changes will best meet customer’s wants and needs, research was completed through the use of questionnaires. These questionnaires were distributed and completed by passengers on short flights during the second and third week of December due to their fullness. In addition to obtaining information on the alterations, information was sought after in respect to other issues not related to the new seating arrangement. This resulted in the questionnaires taking approximately twenty minutes to complete. With this information in hand, we can analyze whether the steps taken...