Identification and description
David warren
David warren
David Warren was a research scientist at the Aeronautical Research Laboratory also known as the ARL located in Melbourne. In the 1950’s he was involved in the accident investigations related to the mysterious crash of the world’s first jet-powered commercial aircraft, the Comet. It occurred to Dave that it would be extremely useful if there had been a recording of what happened on the airplane prior to the crash. David then remembered the world’s first miniature recorder that he saw at a trade fair. With that in mind he visualized such a recorder to be placed in all aircraft’s, recording details and also able to be recovered after a crash.
Any commercial airplane or corporate jet need to have a cockpit voice recorder (CVR) and a flight data recorder (FDR). These two equipment are what we commonly refer to as a Black Box. Even though they do nothing to help the plain fly, they are essential to the plain in order to recover information relating to the crash, as they help crash investigators find out what happened just before the crash.
The (CVR) provides more than the voices of the pilots. In fact, it also records the entire audio related environment within the cockpit area. Including:
* crew conversation
* radio transmissions
* aural alarms
* control movements
* switch activations
* engine noise and airflow noise
Cockpit voice recorder
Cockpit voice recorder
The FDR records where the flight is or in the black boxes case was. The data recorded varies widely, depending upon the age and size of the aircraft. The minimum requirement, however, is to record a basic group of five parameters:
* pressure altitude
* indicated airspeed
* magnetic heading
* normal acceleration
* Microphone keying