
I decided to create a flow chart that outlined the process of getting my daughter ready for school in the morning in a timely manner. The information included on the flow chart consist of getting my daughter’s clothes ready for school, ironing her clothes, giving her a bath, and combing her hair. The main bottleneck in the process was determining if these tasks would be completed the night before or that morning. Depending on what time I wake her up in the morning to get her ready was important but not as important as completing certain chores the night before. When I gathered her clothes the night before, it saved me an extra seven minutes as opposed to getting them together that morning. By ironing her clothes at night allowed me a spare ten minutes that morning.   When giving her a bath in the morning added an additional thirteen minutes to our morning routine. By giving her a bath at night gave me time to leave earlier.   Finally, the last task was combing her hair. When I combed her hair at night, I was able to leave my home an extra eighteen minutes earlier. One problem that I ran into when combing her hair at night is when she wakes up; I still have to do it over again. By identifying what processes needed to be completed whether they are done the night before or that morning, will allow me to get my daughter to school in a timely fashion.   So out of the decisions I have to make, I decided to gather her clothes, iron them, and give her a bath at night.   Then that morning I chose to comb her hair and be on my way to take her to school.   By identifying the main bottleneck of this process will allow me to see the different options I have to choose from.   I can view them and determine what is best when trying to complete my course of action in a timely manner.