Boudicca - Revolt

‘With reference to primary and secondary sources and archaeological evidence, explain the history of Boudicca’s revolt against the Romans. Assess the ancient and modern interpretations of Boudicca’

The Boudiccan revolt of 60 and 61 C.E. was initiated due to the oppressive treatment by the Romans as well as by the failure of the Romans to effectively govern British tribes.   A mix of history and legend of the female hero Boudicca has been dramatised by Hollywood productions, enthused over by historians and is seen as a symbol of British freedom. Boudicca to Britain is still seen as an icon of national resistance remaining number four on the British ‘50 most influential women all time’ list. Victorian painters and sculptures have created many artworks displaying her strength, courage, and leadership qualities. One statue of her is located outside of London’s houses of Parliament, which has been symbolically placed to give ‘heart and courage’ to passing Euro-sceptic Members of Parliament. Boudicca herself is a mysterious character as the only written records of her existence are in the tales of two men; Tactitus, a roman senator and historian, and Dio Cassius a historical writer; we are also provided with an insight into lifestyle of the British and the Romans in that time period by Julius Caesar.
(Image – Boudicca as seen in the ‘Boudicca (2003) Bill Anderson Production)
Boudicca was referred to as Boadicea in the Roman annals, little is known of her past and where she came from but modern historians now believe that Boudicca was not her name at all. The unknown historians that presented the theory of her real name, have had their findings published on by O.Brighideach, but no reference has been made into who these historians were. The theory they have put forward is that Boudicca’s followers began to call her Boudiga meaning Celtic goddess of Victory.   Latinized name given as 'Boadicea Victoria' given by Roman...