o Discuss the benefits of branding at Rosewood hotels.
Because the Rosewood Hotels closely resemble the communities they are built in, it is not apparent from the outside that they are a corporate hotel structure; this is where branding comes into the picture. With branding the name, the hotel chain can still keep the local character that their customers come to expect, while offering the name recognition that increase bookings. This step will also increase the number of repeat visitors in different locations. Since Rosewood is known for their pampering, and high quality, branding the name will make more loyal customers.
o Discuss the concerns with branding all hotels in the product line as Rosewood.
The main concern with branding has to do with the individuality of each hotel. Many employees felt that branding them all under one name would cause them to lose their uniqueness, and what made them desirable to customers. This concern also affects the way customers see the hotel. By branding the name of the hotel, there could be a sense that the quality of the hotel will go down overall.
o Evaluate the impact of branding the Rosewood hotels on profit.
As stated in the case study, it was expected that from 2001 and 2003 that there would be an increase from 5% to 10% in return guests. It also stated that the new branding would cost approximately one million dollars. This is money well spent to increase the amount of return guests. When taken into consideration the amount of new guests that enjoy service at the Rosewood, the investment is well worth it.
o Recommend a corporate branding strategy for Rosewood.
Branding is all about consistency. There must be constant use of the Rosewood logo on all items that the hotel carries, from pens to robes, to letter head. The logo can be something as simple as a rose or a letter R. The key here is that all the properties are using the same logo, along with the individual hotel name. This...