Bsa 310 Frequent Shopper Program

Frequent Shopper Program
December 2, 2010

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Information about Frequent Shopper Program 3
Legal Considerations 3-4
      Ethical Considerations……………………………………………………………………......4
      Security Considerations…………………………………………………………………….4-5
      Financial Analysis……………………………………………………………………………5

Conclusion 5
Reference page 6
Turnitin Originality Report…………………………………………………………………...7-8-9

Information about Frequent Shopper Program
Kudler Fine Foods frequent shopper program was designed to reward customer loyalty. The program is based on the frequency of shopping and a shopper’s spending levels. Such programs are used as marketing strategies “enabled by point-of-sale technology to record and store customer purchases in exchange for rewards” (Appel, p. 156, 2006). In Kudler’s development of this program, web-based consumer shopping (also-called business-to-consumer) programs will be used. By applying web-based advertising, cost reductions, and increased consumer awareness can be achieved.
The sales and marketing goal of this sustainable frequent shopper program is an increase of 5% in revenue. It is estimated that this approach will yield the desired result within 12 months. An analysis of the legal, security and ethical considerations of the program is undertaken by Kudler Foods to facilitate its success.

Legal Considerations
Consumer trends will have to be studied, so that the program can function smoothly and meet its highest potential as a marketing tool. The use of this information may also provide for a better shopping experience for Kudler’s customers.
“Market research and demographic data can be used to better target products and produce better or customized products; such data are becoming increasingly valuable” (National Research Council, p. 156, 1994). Legal issues that surround customer privacy have received increased attention in response to the collection of this type of data. It is...