Outcome 1, AC 1, 2, 3- table
Complete all columns in the table below.
|Functions/skills of management |Functions/skills of leadership |Differences between management and |
| | |leadership |
|Planning |Setting objectives for the team and the |Being a leader is a skill of a good |
|Identifying workloads, responsibilities, |individual |manager however you can be a manager |
|collective goals. |Planning SMART objectives and making sure the |without being a leader. |
|Delegating tasks and responsibility and ensuring|team are aware of them and motivated to meet |Some managers can identify workloads, |
|employees work together to meet personal and |them. |delegate and supervise but they do not|
|workforce goals. |Communicating and ensuring open channels of |inspire, motivate and lead |
|Planning Staffing requirements and rota’s |communication. |effectively. |
|Recruitment, selection & placement. |Team Building supporting team members to achieve|In some cases the lack of leadership |
|Training & development. |the goal as a collective |can be negated by a strong and |
|Performance appraisal. |Evaluating performance and using training to |motivated team however in other cases |
|Supervision |support team members to build on weaknesses. |it can cause a team to fracture and |
|Leadership |Motivating members of the team through...