

Buddhism, India’s second major religion was created and based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, or later to be known as Buddha--Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who grew up with luxury and wealth. Under the order of his father, Siddhartha was protected from everything unpleasant. Whenever Siddhartha rode out of his palace on his chariots, guards scanned ahead of him making sure beggars or ill people were off of the streets. Siddhartha’s father’s orders were respected until one day when he was about 29, Siddhartha rode out of his palace with only the presence of his chariot driver. This is when he encountered the “Four Passing Sights”. The first passing sight was an old man leaning on a stick. Leading the first came the second, a man shrunken by disease. After this was the third, a man who had died, accompanied by his mourning family. Siddhartha was not only shocked but he was terrified. Horrible sights such as disease and death were unknown to him. A few days after the first three passing sights, Siddhartha snuck out of his palace without any guards or even a chariot driver. Then the fourth passing sight was upon him, a homeless holy man who possessed nothing though still seemed content. Siddhartha abandoned his opportunity for king, and for 49 days meditated until he reached enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state of perfect wisdom, and from that point, on Siddhartha was known as Buddha—Although Buddhism has many beliefs, the four substantial ones are the Middle Way, the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and reaching nirvana. According to the teachings of Buddha, the Middle Way is avoiding extremes. One extreme was “ a life to pleasures”, and the other was a life of painful self-denial. The Four Noble Truths are about suffering. The first one is that all life includes suffering. The second explains that wanting causes suffering or desiring something one does not have. The third describes that suffering can be ended. Lastly, The Fourth Noble...