When personnel have responsibilities that are financial, they tend to find work that will help pay their bills. Often time, the work that one may find is not paying enough to survive comfortably. We make choices and sacrifices that we may not agree with, but have to do to make ends meet not only for ourselves but for our family. In this paper I will speak on the case study Brawl in Mickey’s Backyarm, the relevant market and nonmarket stakeholders and possible solutions to the dispute that might emerge.
There are two sides to every situation. In this case you have the market stakeholders which is The Walt Disney Company and the nonmarket stakeholders which is a local developer called SunCal and the employees of Disney. Being that The Walt Disney Company is a mega incorporation specializing in making family dreams come true, while raking in billions of dollars in revenue, one would think that it is a bit selfish to not consider the employees who help make all this happen. On one hand, I can see where Walt Disney himself was coming from when he stated “I don’t want the public to see the world they live in while they’re in Disneyland. I want them to feel they’re in another world” (Lawrence & Weber. 2011) because it supposed to be a magical place and for all the ideas that was put into this business that brought in all this money, who would not want their property to remain exclusive? At the same time, this same company has a need for their employees to keep the corporation operational.
An argument from SunCal could be that due to the cost of living in Anaheim, the majority of its employees at Disney may have to depart the company because the cost to commute and wages paid put its employees in a financial bind that is not feasible to comfortable living expenses. A solution would be for Disney to be empathetic to its employees and realize that not everything is about the dollar. They could allow for SunCal to partner with them on the new development...