Bushido Worksheet

Name:   _______________________
      The samurai warriors have long since been gone, however their values are preserved in contemporary Japan. The Code of Bushido, the Samurai's code of honor, upholds loyalty, discipline, total dedication, and honor.   Numerous examples of these elements can be witnessed today or in recent history.
During World War II, for instance, Japanese Kamikaze pilots showed loyalty to their country by willingly accepting death. Just as the samurai were fearsome once, the Japanese people of today continue the tradition of high integrity and " \death before dishonor."
1. What is the main idea of the samurai values?

2. Why did the pilots commit suicide?

The samurai had an unwritten code of behavior that became known as bushido or “the way of the warrior.” The samurai code emphasized loyalty and family values. It placed great value on courage, honor, self-discipline, and samurais put the needs of others in front of their own. Being captured or surrendering was considered dishonorable.

3.   What were some of the values of the samurai?

DOCUMENT B – Seppuku
Rather than fall into enemy hands, samurai commonly committed suicide. This act was performed by stabbing a knife into the left side of the abdomen, drawing across to the right and giving a final upward twist to the chest. Samurai committed suicide in this fashion not only to avoid capture, but to make up for any unworthy behavior.
4. Why would a samurai commit suicide?

5. How would a samurai commit suicide?

DOCUMENT C – The Code of Bushido
“The business of the samurai consists in reflecting on his own station in life, in discharging loyal service to his master if he has one, in deepening his fidelity (faithfulness) in association with friends, and with the due consideration of his own position in devoting himself to duty above all.”
- Yamaga Soko (1622-1685)

“The way of the warrior (bushido) is to find a way to...