- The submission conforms to the writing guideline. The final document includes correct grammar and spelling.
- Selects three key issues, explains why they exist, and includes extensive use of financial and market data with the explanation.
- The summation following each of the appendix areas of study are complete and provide value to the reader.
- An explanation regarding why we see the financial results is supported.
- The strategy makes good reference to the appendix; includes market and financial data; addresses all three issues and provides an integrated solution.
- The submission conforms to the writing guideline. The final document includes correct grammar and spelling.
- Selects three key issues, explains why they exist, includes adequate financial and market data with the explanation.
- The summation following each of the appendix areas of study are complete and provide value to the reader.
- An explanation regarding why we see the financial results is supported.
- The strategy makes limited reference to the appendix; includes market and financial data; addresses only two of the issues with an integrated solution.
- The submission conforms to the writing guideline. The final document includes correct grammar and spelling.
- Selects three key issues, explains why they exist but includes limited financial and market data.
- The summation following each of the appendix areas of study are complete and provide value to the reader.
- An explanation regarding why we see the financial results is limited or unsupported.
- The strategy makes limited reference to the appendix; includes market and financial data; addresses only one or two of the issues fully.
- The writing guidelines are adequately executed. The final document includes grammar and spelling errors.