
Sandra has always wanted to own her own business but, never knew how to go about it. One day, Sandra decided to walk to her friend’s classroom after work to talk to her about starting up a Daycare business. Sandra and her friend Sharon work and went to the same church together. Sandra was and substitute teacher and Sharon was an 5th grade teacher. Sandra was also going to school to major in education to get her own day care business. When they were both at work which was the school system, they would do their own after school program for extra money. After Sandra graduate, she started an in home daycare while sharon contionue to work at the elementry school as a 5th grade teacher. Sharon is Sandra first choice to help her start up a business because sharon knew what to do. Sandra starting a form of daycare business called Loving Hands Daycare. Sandra and Sharon did in fact start a daycare, and soon their business started to expand with a lot of kids to the point that they had to open another facility in another county. However, after a few months of being in business as partners, Sandra started to complain that Sharon was unnecessarily spending money on things that the daycare really did not need to spend money on. Sharon argued that Sandra too cheap when it came to buying equipment and books and other things; soon after, the frendship/ partnership ended even though they went to church together. Not letting this affect her, Sandra decided to keep the business going because this was her dream. Sandra decided to hire two teacher and two assistant teacher and a cook to keep the business going. Everything seemed to be working out good for Sandra business. Sandra came up with a brilliant idea to help her staff. She decided to go through a food program to help pay her staff, and she didn’t pay for her food.