
Throughout history revolutions have sprung up in various parts of the world. In Latin America, regional revolutions made changes in political leadership but left social and economic conditions much the same. In Britain, sweeping technological change had dramatic social and economic effects. Regarding the historical circumstances that led to the Latin American Revolutions, there were several factors that led to its rise. Fundamentally, it came about because countries in Europe like Spain and Portugal colonized what Europeans called the New World. Kings made wealth and religious conversion to Christianity their goals. Conquistadors and colonists went to the New World to gain their fortune. Mines and plantations were established using Indian labor and then enslaved Africans. T resulted in a racist system that his lacked respect for other peoples and abused and exploited them. Peninsulares, those born in Europe, held all the political power in the colonies. T hey were at the top of the social class system. Below the peninsulares were the creoles who were born in the colonies. T he peninsulares were reluctant to share political power with them. Creoles were however wealthy landowners, successful business people and very ambitious. Creoles read the forbidden writings of Enlightenment thinkers like Montesquieu, Voltaire, and John Locke. It was writings, the influence of the French Revolution, and the decline of Spain during Napoleon’s rule that caused Latin American revolutions. In Haiti enslaved Africans were led by a freed slave and in Mexico one of the revolts was led by a village priest. Bolivar, a creole, waged war. In each case, they wanted to overthrow their colonial leaders. Due to the Latin American revolutions, new countries formed in the New World. T here were some political changes, but not much changed economically or socially. By 1824 what had been the Spanish empire no longer existed. Some former colonies witnessed the codification of law. In terms of...