Case Study for J&J


      There are many key management terms, concepts, and theories that are used in management and organization of businesses. The important aspects of management include leadership dynamics, group dynamics, conflict management and negotiations, technology, organizational culture, and change in the organization. Johnson & Johnson (“J&J”) uses most of these concepts and theories in their business. They are a company that has withstood the test of time and have come out as a successful business. Each aspect of management includes special terms that help in understanding just what the concept means.

Leadership Dynamics

      Leadership dynamics is understanding and explaining leadership in an organization, and how to train the leaders how to lead a team. Some important terms for leadership dynamics are achievement oriented leadership, charismatic and transformational leadership, and authentic leadership development. J&J is a big organization with many resources, but beliefs that each of the operating companies should function as its own small business, while employees operate in a small-company setting, they have access to the know-how and resources of a Fortune 50 company.

      Achievement oriented leadership is management which sets challenging goals, assists in training, emphasizes improvement, and expects the highest levels of performance. When a task is complex, this type of leadership flourishes. It is a type of path-goal theory. The path-goal theory is a type of leadership theory developed by Robert House. J&J leads by example they currently use solar panels in there university that a leader should motivate subordinates to achieve high performance by showing them the path to reach valued goals or results (Shani, Chandler, Coget, & Lau). Some other terms included in the path-goal theory are participative leadership, which emphasizes consultation with subordinates before decisions are made. Directive leadership is similar to the Ohio...