Case Study of the Implementation of Assessing Pupils Progress in Relation to Writing
Case Study of the Implementation of Assessing Pupils Progress in Relation to Writing
My school introduced a new way to assess children’s learning in writing which is referred to as Assessing Pupils Progress (APP). It began, in the Autumn term of 2010, replacing all the tools used in the past for assessment. However, the implementation has been far from smooth. Throughout the course of this assignment, I will be using a case study approach to critically evaluate the implantation of APP in writing.
In the School Self Evaluation Form (SEF), anonymous for reasons of confidentiality, (2008) our headteacher has described our educational environment as a ‘large inner city, multicultural school in a deprived part of East London’ (p.1) consisting of a ‘wealth of ethnic backgrounds…The largest group within the school are Bangladeshi’. The SEF, (2008) further describes the makeup of our school by distinguishing that ‘71% of children have English as an additional language’ (p.1). The achievement in my school is below national average in all core subjects however, writing has been identified as an area of significant weakness within our school as the progress does not match that in other subject areas.
I am currently a year five teacher which means that I work in Upper Key Stage 2 (UKS2). There are particular pressures felt by the teachers and the students as a result of the Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) which, in year five, are used to band the children for their secondary school placements and, in year six, are reported for the school. My assignment will be focused on the specific issues raised by teachers in UKS2 as this is the team that I am currently working with.
The research I have undertaken has been to answer the following questions: What issues arose for teachers in UKS2?, What issues arose for members of the Senior Leadership Team(SLT)? and What...