
When planning the activities for the setting we ensure that we follow the curriculum to ensure that all aspects of learning are covered for the children in our care. The Early Years Foundation Phase is a statutory framework that sets out standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five. They are set out to ensure that the seven different areas of learning are included. The areas that need to be developed are;

- Knowledge and Understanding of The World
- Communication
- Personal
- Numeracy
- Creative Development
- Physical Development
- Welsh Language Development

All practitioners should plan a curriculum that helps children make good progress towards, and where appropriate beyond, these goals. By the time they leave the care of the setting they should be able to achieve all of the above early learning goals.
The EYFS also aims to ensure that children from birth to five have access to consistently learning and development regardless of the setting they attend or the area in which they live. The guiding principle of the EYFS document is to help children achieve the five every child matters outcomes Which are
Staying safe
Enjoying and achieving
Making a positive contribution
Achieving economic well-being
Being healthy.

1.1.2. Evaluate the relationship between theoretical perspectives and early years curriculum models.

There have been and will to come be many theorists opinions that have helped shape changes in childcare.   In medieval times children were often sent out to work at a very early age and childhood was not valued or cherished as it is today.   Children from poor families were expected to earn a living as soon as possible and children from noble families were schooled.

Philosophers such as John Locke (1632-1704) believed that children were not born with any predisposition but came into the world as a blank slate (“tabula rasa”) and would develop if guided and trained through repetition.   He felt that the role of the...