Change in to Kill a Mockingbird


“Change is a necessary part of growing up”

Discuss how change is reflected in the experience of growing.

      As we get older, change is an important part of growing up.   Whether it is physical, mentally or personality wise. Viewing the prescribed text, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, there are many changes to be found.

      Some people think of change as distasteful and redundant, however without it, where would we be? Change is a part of life and existence. Change in few words would be the act or instance of making or becoming different. Throughout the story narrated in Scout’s point of view, you find many changes occurring not just to her, but to the society as well.

      Scout’s (Jean Louise) brother Jem (Jeremy) also experiences many changes during the book.

      One of the many characters to impact Jem would be Atticus. While reading the book you find that Jem becomes a gentlemanly young boy with the help of Atticus’ advice. At a stage in the book Scout says that Jem was acting more like Atticus, by reading all the time and being calmer. Jem also changes the way that he sees Atticus. When the children find out that he is more interesting than they thought, they think about him differently. Plus they also find it extraordinary the way he acts in tense situations. One time he said to Scout ‘you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them’. These events fit into physical, mental and personality change, since he hit puberty, thought of others in another way and he started to act a bit more mature than usual. This also affects the way he and others act.

      This is evident with Calpurnia. During Jem and Scouts’ life Calpurnia has been a motherly figure to them by trying to teach them right and wrong since their mother died and she was hired. When Jem reaches the age of twelve, he receives a title from her of ‘Mister Jem’. Scout does not understand why he’s getting at title at such an age; she believes it...