While aspects of change are explored it can also be considered to be multifaceted. Thematically one can see this through the physical and metaphysical changes present in the texts, Antony and Cleopatra, Dead Poets Society and Ender’s Game. The composers of the texts sharpen the reader’s understanding of change through the exploration of common themes such as, the multifaceted aspect of change and the impact of change on the broader community.
William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, demonstrates how development from a static state opens opportunities for emotional fulfillment, however the prize is substantially unequal to sacrifice. This is explored through the protagonist Antony, where love robs him of the things he previously valued: power, ambition, honor, integrity as a soldier and leader. Throughout the play he gradually loses sight of ambition and steadily loses his power, through the sharp influence of Cleopatra’s actions. This deep infatuation towards Cleopatra is evident through Antony’s rejection of a vast empire, “Let Rome in Tiber melt and the wide arch of my ranged empire fall! Here is my space". The nature and source of Antony’s internal conflict of interests: his heroism and his personal entanglement with Cleopatra. His clash between personal concerns is the result of his change and this ultimately leads him to his symptomatically botched suicide, “I am dying, Egypt, dying”. Evidently, the text is written to explore aspects of physical and metaphysical change, however the result is unequal to the sacrifice.
Conversely, Dead Poets Society represents change with seemingly no unworthy sacrifices. Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society, negotiates the transition of poetry and life through an unconventional English teacher who assists students to attain the true inner life. However a father’s controlling nature dominates Neil Perry which consequently leads him to the ultimate consequence, Weir exposes this...