Changes and Globalization

The change is an importan process wich involves a lot of things inside of it. The little change can affect to big well positioned organization and destruct it. But with good managing we can maintain it and gain advantages from changes. Some organizations now days are
Essentinal part to make an advantage is to help people understand the resaons of change and make them motivated. Also the process to transformation the sensemaking into action is the one of the important. The miss understanding, fear of change is the most common mistake of employees in a lot of organizations. The particular sense of change is the prat of organizational self identification and positioning. When we explain and understand our employees, their individual conduction and their sensmaking we can support organization to be succesful.
The easiest way to understand conductions and way of sensemaking is CMS framework wich is based on blab la theory. It explains us how people perceives changes and their oun sensemaking process. They extract the cues ad make some experiences points more relevant that others. It is essential to understand the history of what had happened, because a lot of experience can influence to percibe the change and to make the correct sensemaking. Because there are a lot of cases when from identic experience people can take different itogi and all of this is cause of sensemaking process.
Alsoo organizational rules can affect to sensemaking process, and most of all the informal ones. It is very common when from outside of organization it seems well been and inside employees indetifiyed like horrible. And in long term in also affects to outside view and ruin the company. It is very important to make people motivated and proud of the company. To make them feel special and nedded.
Rithoric and language in sensmaking process and n posledstviya of changes are playing a very important role. The lange is the part of sensmaking and it need to be well done and thing for difrent...