Chapter 10 Scenario

TEAM “A” Chapter 10 Scenario
Kyle, Matt, Erik, Shantel, Alekzandria
Kimberly Roberts

Week 3 Team “A” Learning Team Reflection

Delegation is an important part of a managers job. This happens a lot in any business due to time restraints on projects,   the manager has many other obligations to fulfill on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Sometimes it is necessary for these managers to give this work to individuals who they can depend on, to successfully complete these tasks when given the appropriate direction.   This will help everyone involved to succeed and continue to move forward.

Clarify the assignment

Since Ricky has another project that needs to be completed he is passing this project off to Bill. This would make Bill the delegate picked to complete this task. When Bill is given this project the assignment will have to be clear and concise on what will need to be done. He will also have to let Bill know the time restraints he has to complete this, which is one month. Ricky will have to give Bill the ability to think freely on the best way to complete this task that will be best for Bill. Bill should have no problems completing this task and will be very competent since he has worked with the contracts group for 3 years.

Specify the employee's range of discretion

Even though the project is being handed down there is still some guidelines that will need to be followed. This needs to be relayed to Bill so that he knows he does not have the full authority to make the changes that he feels are necessary. This is the important part of communicating and passing the specifics onto to Bill for the requirements of this task. This would be a perfect opportunity for Ricky while preparing for the meeting the following day with Bill, to put together these guidelines, so Bill is aware of how much discretion he will be allowed to use on this project. This will also let Bill know the time restraints he has on this project so he can...