|Age |Physical |Social/Emotional |Language/Communication |
| |Development |Development |Development |
|0-6 months |Legs not strong enough to stand. |Will settle at the sound of a familiar voice. Shows pleasure at |Makes happy noises. Turns head to sounds. Will stop crying to familiar |
| |Developing |sounds he likes and at being talked to. Expresses distress. Stares|sounds. Makes individual sounds to express distress. |
| |ability to hold head up at 3 mths, Grabbing at |at parent during feeding. Smiles. | |
| |objects and bringing to mouth. | | |
|6-12 |Will pull him/herself up to sit. Plays with feet |Actively plays with toys. Enjoys rattles and shaking toys. Puts |Makes more repetitive sounds. Laughs and screams with excitement. Listens|
|months |and kicks legs. Bounces, rolls over. Start |arms up to be lifted. Touches the bottle or breast when being fed. |to voices. Copies simple sounds. Shouts for attention. Understands BYE |
| |crawling. Leans to pick up things. Walks when |Developing identity and tests boundaries. Shows interest in |and NO. Can communicate using sounds. |
| |holding hands. Pull him/herself up to stand. Sits...