Sequence is the order that development happens in.
The sequence of development is a process where an event is followed one after the other and achieves a level of succession with a series of changes or growth that a process undertakes normally to improve on that process.
EG: sequence = a baby’s physical development may begin with rolling over then sit up, crawl, walk, run. Another may sit up, walk, run, missing out rolling over and crawling. Even though elements are missed the development still proceeds in what’s viewed as an expected pattern.
Rate is the speed that it happens.
Rate of development varies child to child. Each and every child has a different rate of development, although they follow more or less the same pattern of rate of development, EG: = where one baby may achieve walking un aided at 10 months another may accomplish it at 12 months another at 16 months. Some babies start teething from 6months and some of them start at 9 months. Some babies can start making sentences at around 1 year but in some cases at the age of 1 year they can only speak a few broken words.
The rate of development is the pace that a child develops, these can be the pace within each sequence or the pace overall and goes to cover all the set areas or period in between or altogether in the sequence. These principles run through all areas of development from physical, social, intellectual and language no matter what the age of the child. If at all one is skipped or is slow it can be a cause for concern and may lead to a child being given a special recommendation or having a special need in or outside school.