Explain the different areas of child development from 0-19.
|Age |Physical Development |Communication & Intellectual |Social Emotional and Behavioural |
| | |Development |Development |
|0-3 |This is where children learn and |At this stage children tend to use |They will have strong attachments with|
| |develop most. |body language to communicate. They |their main carers. They may begin to |
| |They go from not being able to do |start smiling when they are happy |play with other babies and start to |
| |anything to becoming slightly |and they cry when something is |make friends as they may attend |
| |independent. |wrong. They begin to recognise |nursery or pre-school. They will still|
| |They start as tiny babies with the |things and point, wave and babble |use crying to show their emotions as |
| |ability to grasp (like your finger) |this is until they learn to talk and|they do not yet know any other way to |
| |and extending to simple things like |then they use speech to communicate |express although they will also have |
| |holding up their own head and playing |for the rest of there lives. |tantrums when they are frustrated. |
| |with their hands and feet. They start |They may start to learn to count | |
| |to roll over, Sit up and to crawl. |basic numbers. | |
| |Take Their first steps. Using mainly | | |
| |gross motor skills at this...