Contribute to the support of a child and young persons development
1.2 Why are the following different observations methods used?
running record is a continuous observation of a behaviour stream for a particular period of
time sampling is an observation of what happens within a given period of time,coded with
talliers or symbols while the behaviour is occurring used to document the frequency of
specfic behaviour.
event recording is a process for documenting the number of times a behaviour occurs.
4.1&4.3 Explain how work settings can encourage children and young people’s positive
developing positive relationships giving the child the need to feel they can trust you.Listening
to children and valuing their opinions so they can feel important and be happy that they are
being listened to and by giving children choices so they feel like they have responsibities and
we we are forcing them to do activities they do not enjoy.It is important we act as a audlut
role model cause children look up to adults and they try to copy what an adult does
clear boundaries language encouraging the child to be invovled.Positive behaviour
reinforced praise/rewards so the child knows right from wrong.Following behaviour policy so
the children know how they should act also it is important as a nursery nurse to do the same.
Providing a challenging stimulating environment children and young people enjoy having fun
and learning provided that the environment is a stimulating one with this in mind we have to
think about the type of equipment,resources and layout is on offer.
5.1 How do you contribute to the assessment of the development needs of a child or young
use monitoring information to inform provision to meet the development needs of children
and young people.Work with others to plan balanced and flexible child or young person ...