Childcare Nvq 3

Unit 305...305.1...305.2...305.3

Protect and promote children’s rights.

K3P233 and K3P234

The disability discrimination act 1995
Children’s act 1989
Disabled persons act 1986
Sex discrimination act 1986
Race relation act 1976
Special education needs and disability act 2001
UN convention on the rights of the child.

The discrimination act means that all people including children have the right to take part in all of the society and not be excluded because of their disability.
The children’s act documents that we have to give equal opportunities to all children regardless of religion, race, and cultural or linguistic background.

Policies and procedures of the settings includes.
Child protection.
Special education needs.
Equal opportunities policy.

A child has the right to express freedom of expression.
Through role-play they can express their own imagination freely by their own first hand experiences. Having resources and play equipment available to them they can freely play and make up their own ideas thus aid their development naturally. Through art and creative activities children can express their ideas.

A child has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Promote understanding of their own and others culture and beliefs. Accommodation of dietary requirements and embracing activities centred on children’s own background.

The various forms of discrimination ….K3P235 - K3P236 - K3P237.

Discrimination leads to inequalities.

Low self esteem
Low confidence
Little sense of self worth
Confused identity
By practicing unequal opportunities you would be subjecting children you are not discriminating from to discrimination - a criminal offence.

Difficulties … K3C238

Lack of transport
No internet access
Poor literate skills
Different home language
No permanent place of residence

Procedures to overcome these…

Information leaflets of bus time tables etc.
Assess to EYDCP and sure start....