1. 1. Lesson Two Current Legislation and Regulatory Bodies
2. 2. Overview • Health and Safety • The Children Act 1989 • Food Standards Agency • Ofsted
3. 3. Health and Safety Knowing Health and Safety legislation is vital within a home based childcare setting. Visit the Health and Safety Executive website to find advice and guidance on what is expected from you and information on how to fill out a risk assessment. www.hse.gov.uk/risk Also, invite your local fire department to come and check your home to make sure it falls within specific fire safety standards.
4. 4. The Children Act 1989 The Children's Act replaced complex legislation to make it simpler to understand. The Act allocated duties to local authorities, courts, parents and other agencies in the United Kingdom, to ensure children are safeguarded and their welfare is promoted.
5. 5. The Children Act 1989 cont... The Act states that children’s welfare should be the paramount concern to the courts. The court should take into account the child’s: • Wishes • Physical, emotional & educational needs • Age • Gender • Background circumstances • Potential distress due to changes • Potential harm • Parents ability to meet their needs • Powers available to the court
6. 6. The Children Act 1989 cont... The act deals with registration of daycare and childminding. It defines fit person, suitable premises, registration requirements, refusal of registration, register of day care services. You can find the full act here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1989/41/contents
7. 7. Food Standards Agency As from 1st January 2014, childminders no longer need to register separately as a food business with their Local Authority. This will happen automatically when you register with Ofsted. After being registering as a food business with Ofsted you may have a food safety inspection. This would be carried out by your business’s local authority. They are responsible for food safety in your local...