
During the period 1450 – 1750, three dynasties all effected China differently. The Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties all had different political aspects. However, despite these changes China maintained their belief in Confucianism.
The Yuan dynasty had many changes with their emperor during their time period. They created a caste system that determined the ruling status. Unfairly, the 'Four Class System' stipulated that four classes of people received different treatment in political, legal and military affairs. First, the real power was mainly grasped in the hands of the Mongolian people while few of the court officials were Han people or any other ethnic minorities from the third and the fourth classes. Second, although all classes of people were allowed to attend the imperial examination, people of the third and fourth classes had to participate in more test subjects and exam questions that for them were more difficult, compared with the first and second class. Third, the fourth class people received unequal legal treatment. On committing the same crime, different punishments were handed down to different classes of people. Fourth, the Mongolian people adopted a tight control towards the Han people and Southerners. As Mongols were in power, they took over and favored Confucian scholars. They created Neo-Confucianism; a new religion based on Confucian principles but incorporated Buddhist ideas.
The Ming dynasty drove the Mongols out of China. The Ming dynasty developed into a centralized and military powered state. Government was selective of people based on their ability.   Centralized government ran poorly under weak emperors. Eunuchs were given impressive role as bureaucrats. The reorganization of the bureaucracy strengthened the emperor's power. Through organizations, they were not bound by state laws, just being accountable directly to the emperor. They controlled officials at all levels, meddled in court affairs, and even exercised unauthorized power in the...