Jesus and Mohammed are great spiritual leaders who made a great impact on the world through Christianity and Islam religion. Both these religions are a positive influence on people lives daily. Jesus represents Christianity he was born of the Virgin Mary. One must raise the questions, how is this possible. Mary’s virginity at conception of Jesus is also a tenet of Islam. Muslims refer to Jesus with the metronymic Jesus son of Mary, a term repeatedly used in the Quran. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and his earthly parents knew that he was sent into the world to save it. Jesus and his earthly parents stated in Nazareth until he was 12 years old. Although, it seems that history does not focus on his childhood but it is believed at the age of 30, Jesus began his preaching ministry. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist although John felt it improper to perform this ceremony for Jesus, whom Christians consider sinless, but Jesus insisted. How can this be interpreted? One explanation is that for Jesus, this became a ceremony of his consecration to God as the Messiah." (Mary Pat Fisher, pp. 285- 361 (78 pgs.)) Jesus then began to teach his beliefs. This went on until the age of 34, and then he was crucified by the Romans because he was thought to be the King of the Jews. The crucifixition was such an emotional experience that was witness by the Jewish community. He had to walk this part of his life alone because he had an assignment that he had to finish. He had to not only get spit on, hit, but he had to carry his on cross to the hill of Calvary. When Jesus reached the place of execution history states that the world stood still and the moon turned black. Jesus died and was buried in a tomb. But then days later, when some followers went to prepare Jesus body for a proper burial, they discovered his body gone. "Angels then appeared and told them Jesus had raised from death." (Mary Pat Fisher, pp. 285-361 (78 pgs.)) There were several more sightings of...