1. To make a class marshal-by-reference type, the class must inherit ________________________________.
2. To make a class marshal-by-vale use ________________________________attribute.
3. You need to add a reference to ________________________________assembly to use IPC and TCP channels.
4. Write code to create IPC channel
a. At server side :
b. At client side :
5. Write code to register a class for client activation
c. At server side :
d. At client side :
6. Server activation is also known as ________________________________
7. Client activation is also known as _________________________________
8. The .net framework provides three channels that you can use for communication b/w a remoting client and server
e. __________________________________
f. __________________________________
g. __________________________________
9. ______________________________________formatter converts an object to a bit stream for transmission over the channel.
10. When using _______________________the server creates a new instance of the remote object for each client method call and marks the object for garbage collection , when the call is complete.
11. ___________________________________formatter is used for tight coupling whereas ______________________________________formatter is used for loose coupling.
12. For TCP channel the default formatter is ______________________________whereas for HTTP channel the default formatter is _______________________________________.
13. Write _____________________________.Configure(“______________________________”) to load remoting configurations settings in client , if the client application is named “Client1”
14. ____________________________________feature helps you to design classes that can be serialized even though the client and server have different versions.
15. To remove a field in a new version of...