Cohesive and Connected Communities Create Resilience

Highlights how communities help their members confront risk and pursue opportunities and how development actors—including governments, donors, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)—can support them in this role. The definition of community involves two complementary ideas: communities of location and communities as cultural, identity-based groups. Cohesive and connected communities are more effective and able to mobilize for collective action. Communities provide insurance and protection to deal with conflict, violence, and crime as well as disasters and climate change. Public policies improve local risk management, create neutral systems of law and order, and empower communities to manage risks and give them voice and accountability. Basic infrastructure and services enhance health, sanitation, and security. For communities to succeed in risk management, they need to avoid uncertainty or unnecessary risk, take a long-run perspective, promote flexibility, provide incentives for social accountability and transparency, protect the vulnerable, and refocus research priorities..
it is intuitive that conflict and poor social cohesion have great economic and social

In recent decades, there has been a steady current of country-specific studies examining the
effects of social institutions - the informal norms that pattern human interaction - upon
economic and political outcomes. Among the myriad issues that have been addressed within the
‘social capital’ literature, notable examples include the finding by political scientists that
countries and regions with greater associational life, trust and inter-group cohesion tend to have
better public service delivery, financial accountability, and adherence to democratic norms
(Putnam et al. 1993, Knack 2002, Coffe and Geys 2005); the finding by psychologists that
engagement in community activities has a significant...