
colonial literature, is essentially defined by the fact that the center of the narrative or poetic universe to link the European man and not the African man. In the context of colonial literature, the black man appears as if by accident, sometimes seen paternalistically and, when this happens, it is a step forward, because the norm is its animalization or objectification. White is elevated to mythical hero, the pioneer of inhospitable lands, the bearer of a superior culture. Example: "the only country that can seriously explore Africa, is Portugal '(foreword by Manuel Pinheiro Chagas to the hinterlands of Africa, 1880, Alfredo Sarmento, which incidentally can be read on the board:" He is a man in way, but the instincts are beast ', p. 87). Paradoxically, white is elected as the great sacrifice. The application of the colonialist view has European dynamic agent and not the oppressor: "True to our domineering duties, grateful to our pride, useful to the people", wrote an anti-fascist man, Augusto Casimiro (New start, 1929 ). Predominated, then, the ideas, the inferiority of the black man, that racist theorists, had spilled and which have contributed the Levy-Bruhl philosopher with his thesis of pre-logical mentality, - is certain, though, that the little resigned before he died.
Right at the last quarter of the nineteenth century are the pioneers of this literature. But it is in the twentieth century period 20/30 that it will reach the highest point: the amount, the colonialist mark on public acceptance which depletes some issues, surely motivated by the exotic. There stands a whole suit him unable to grasp the African man in its real context and in his complex personality. Admittedly fair will highlight the quality of its writing John Lemos, Black Souls, 1937, because it despite a poor vision, it denotes a worthwhile endeavor analysis and humanistic intention. But Portuguese writer, shackled by colonial distancing, as a rule, give your speech a racist sense today...

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