College & Career

College and Career Research Project


Foundations of Engineering
Instructor: Steve Ballard
Period 7

1. Occupation/Career

Mechanical Engineering

  A. Why did you choose your chosen occupation/career, the career you want to do for the rest of your life?
      I chose the occupation/career of mechanical engineering because I like to interpret different things dealing with computers and finding out different things wrong with computers and being able to fix them or get them fixed.
  B. Give a brief description of what your job/occupation/career is about.
      A quick description of what my job/occupation/career is about is that mainly you perform engineering duties in planning and designing tools, engines, machines, and other mechanically functioning equipment.
  C. Give a brief description of the typical tasks that your occupation may do.
      Typical tasks that my occupation may do could possibly be conferring with engineers and other personnel to implement operating procedures, resolving system malfunctions, and providing technical information.
  D. Briefly list the necessary education, training and work experience required for you occupation.
      A brief list of the necessary education is a 4-year bachelor’s degree for the most part. For training you need several years of work-related experience, on-the-job training, and/or vocational training. For work experience, you need a minimum of 2-4 years of work-related skill, knowledge, or experience.

  E. Briefly list the average national earnings for your chosen occupation. Yearly, monthly, and hourly.
      The average national earnings for my occupation yearly is $114,700.00, monthly it’s $9,559.33, and hourly it’s $55.16.
  F. List briefly the National Employment and Outlook through the year 2020 for your chosen occupation or career.
      I could not find the National Employment and Outlook through the year 2020 for the mechanical engineering occupation.