Color Wheel Theory
The color wheel is a circular representation of the color spectrum that demonstrates how colors interact and relate to each other. One can also define color theory as a set of principles which artists and designers use to create visually harmonious color combinations.
Brief history about Color Theory:
The color wheel was developed by Isaac Newton around 1704. He used a prism to split the colors in sunlight and then linked the color spectrum together in a circle to create the first color wheel. . That color wheel allowed people to see groupings of colors that are harmonious together and other colors that might clash.
Basic Terms related to Color Theory:
• The term "hue" simply refers to the color (blue, red, green, etc.). It means that there’s no mixing of any other color in it.
• "Saturation" is the intensity level of the color, so a very pronounced color is said to have high saturation, and a dull or muted color has low saturation. In saturation, tonal variation is usually done.
• "Value" refers to the color's brightness and is measured on a scale from one to 10, with the blackest beginning at one.
• “Tint” refers to any color when being mixed with white.
• “Shade” refers to mixing of any color with black.
• “Tone” refers to mixing of any color with gray.
As the name implies, the color wheel is a continuous wheel of color. Basic color theory involves naming the primary and secondary colors and identifying them on the color wheel.
The wheel is the basis of color harmony. There are three basic groups of colors that make up the color spectrum: primary, secondary and tertiary colors....