|Source |What makes the source credible or what does not make it |Explain in at least two to four |
|Vegans for the long run |credible? Consider the following when addressing the |sentences what information you can |
|American Fitness, Jan/Feb2012, |source: |gather from this source? |
|Vol. 30 Issue 1, p66-69, 4p | | |
|University Library |What is the author’s affiliation to any organization | |
| |related to the subject of the article? Does he or she have| |
| |an ulterior motive? | |
| |The author is into physical fitness their self, and she is| |
| |also a vegan. She has no ulterior motive. | |
| | | |
| |What is the author’s experience with the subject, | |
| |including academic or professional credentials related to | |
| |the subject of the source article? Does she or he have | |
| |what it takes to understand the complexities of the | |