|What two objects, people, subjects, or concepts are you going to |Medical (Suboxone) Based Addition Treatment |
|compare and/or contrast? | |
| |Non-Medical Based Addiction Treatment |
|What are the similarities between the two objects, people, |Both share a common goal |
|subjects, or concepts? List as many similarities that you can |Both share the same basic concepts |
|think of. |Both treat the same problem |
| |Both include consolers and meetings |
| |Both offer extensive support network |
|What are the differences between the two objects, people, |Medical is under a doctor care; Non-medical is not |
|subjects, or concepts? List as many differences that you can |Medical has a daily medication; Non-medical does not. |
|think of. |Medical does not have in-patient treatment; Non-Medical does. |
| |Medical address mental and withdraw issues; Non-Medical does not |
| |Medical costs more than Non-Medical |
| |Relapse Rate is grater with Non-Medical...