The purpose of this assignment is to look at all aspects of communication. Burnard (1992) quotes “Learning to communicate is a lifelong process – we begin it at birth and we probably never complete the whole of it”. Communication is vital to both our personal and professional life and it is virtually impossible without movement. Communication is a means by which people interact with each-other, as the process of communication is a lot more complex than it appears and for communication to occur, there must be a sender and a receiver – the two main channels of communication are verbal and non-verbal and they are both equally important as each other in the giving and receiving of information.
The Oxford Dictionary (2010) defines communication as a process of sharing ideas, information, and messages with one another. Ways to communicate may involve many different aspects of interaction which could include reading, writing and talking, as well as nonverbal communication such as facial expressions, body language, or gestures. An important part of verbal communication is the language that we use when the interaction occurs.
As long ago as 1949, Shannon, Claude E. & Warren Weaver (1949) proposed a model of communication, which originally consisted of five distinct components. These are the “Information Source, Transmitter (Message), Channel and Receiver and Destination. Communication is said to occur when a person (The Source) has a message which he sends in a particular medium (Channel), so that it is received by a recipient (receiver). This process has been adapted to form a two-way model, in which the communication elicits a response in the receiver (Cited in Roper Et Al). Castaldi (2001) explains communication to be a vital part of personal life and a continuous process that involves an ongoing translation of feelings from the sender to the receiver.