People communicate in many different ways. There are many different forms of communication. Effectively communicating within a group setting can be better understood with the ability to identify different learning styles and personality types. Learning styles help identify strengths and weaknesses. Focus on strengths to develop a strategy to promote academic growth. Identifying personality types will help effectively communicate and collaborate within a group setting. We will look at a few of the learning styles, the interpersonal, the verbal linguistic and the musical rhythmic and cover three of the personality types, the organizer, the giver, and the thinker.
An individual with a strong interpersonal learning style can communicate both verbal and non verbal and work well within a group setting. Usually preferring to lead the group or take charge of group projects. The interpersonal learner works well with others and enjoys group interaction. Apply this learning type to lead the group during class projects.
Persons with a verbal linguistic learning style are generally convincing, a salesperson of sorts. This learning style has the gift of gab and often has the persuasive ability to make a person do something. Utilize this learning type to motivate, teach, and mentor the group.
Musical Rhythmic learners, often learn through song. People with this learning style appreciate many aspects of music. They may often participate in school activities such as choir or band. This learning style may prefer studying in an environment offering familiar sounds, which may offer cues for remembering. They may be seen tapping their fingers on the table or humming to themselves during a test. This learning style can be best used to compile data needed for a group project.
The organizer personality types see themselves as well organized. Generally prefer order in their lives. They thrive for...