Communication - Level 2 Childcare


Communication is made in a number of different ways and we promote them all in our setting. We can communicate via talking and listening, pointing, reading and writing, sign language, makaton, facial expression and body language. It can also be made over the phone, face to face and with visual images.
People communicate to pass on and receive information, to express ourselves, to maintain relationships, for reassurance and acknowledgement and to negotiate and liaise with others.

When promoting effective communication it can affect the work place environment and aids relationships. Having good communication skills can establish a good relationship with both children and parents.

There are many barriers of communication and these may be resolved by having an interpreter present if the language is a barrier. You may need to pass information on at a slower pace to ensure the correct details are passed onto someone in an appropriate manner.   Someone may need a quiet environment to help them communicate more freely. With babies strong gestures and facial expression can help like pointing at something or a deep frown when something is not right. With toddlers pointing and short sentences, speaking clearly, with bulleted words can help. Clarify any misunderstandings straight away to ensure smooth communication with individuals and do not make assumptions.

Having the time to listen to someone is very important. If someone needs to talk, set aside the time and ensure you have a comfortable and safe environment and that you are open and willing to listen.

Is the person you are communicating with disabled or have an impairment? If so have someone present that can interpret where required.
Have a positive attitude towards the person and gather as much information as possible to ensure you give an appropriate response.
  * Do not dominate the conversation. Allow as much time as required for the child to get across the information...