

I am currently a student at SERC studying towards my CTTLS qualification.   My background knowledge and experience is in Computing.
I started researching the area of communication at the end of February 2011 and the beginning of March 2011.   A list of resources that I used to research this area will be included in the references.
“Communication is the art of successfully sharing meaningful information with people by means of interchange of experience.” (Teaching & Learning in Further and Adult Education :164)
Communication can be verbal, non-verbal and written.   This is an ongoing process throughout all the five stages of the Teaching / Training Cycle.

Stage 1
Stage 1

Stage 4
Stage 4
Stage 3
Stage 3
Stage 2
Stage 2
Stage 5
Stage 5

Verbal communication;
Simply the communication that is expressed through words.   How something is said is as important as what is said.   “Verbal communication is vital to relationships, businesses and groups.   Verbal communication plays an essential role in daily life.” (eHow :1)   For example talking on the telephone, having a 1:1 conversation with a stranger or someone you know, group discussions, ordering a meal or drinks, organising an event etc.   These are but a few of the day to day uses of verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication;
“Every conscious or subconscious behaviour in presence of another is suffused with meaning without which all verbal communication would be ambiguous. Non-verbal communication includes pitch, speed, tone and volume of voice, gestures and facial expressions, body posture, stance, and proximity to the listener, eye movements and contact, and dress and appearance.” ( :1)
Written communication:
Written communication is the use of letters and symbols.   How something is written down needs to be effective enough to get across the message that is trying to be delivered.   The use of the vocabulary and knowledge is also important in written...