(Tda 3.1) 3.2 Explain the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this
Although parents have the right to see all the information related to their child, school and the staff’s bears the final responsibility to keep the shared information confidential when safeguarding the children. At times it is essential to share classified information for example a medical condition of the pupil with members of the staff and visitors to be able to support the child in need. However when disclosing such information it is vital people are made aware of their obligation of confidentiality.
During school events parents consent should be taken before taking pictures of the children.
In case where parents like to share things like death or illness in the family with school which may affect the child, it is essential that parents and children are reassured the confidentiality of shared information. The staff needs to know about any medical conditions, children's behavioural problems etc, so as to reassure them that you will keep it confidential to encourage them to confide. Some information needs to be shared with the whole team, in particular diet, allergy, religious rituals, if the child is being collected by someone other than their main carer and SEN information on pupils.
If you suspect a child-protection issue, this should be shared with the Head Teacher in strictest confidence, and parents need to be aware of this.
It is necessary to make parents aware that although they might tell you something in confidence, you may have to share the information with your superior. It is not fair to encourage parents to talk about confidential matters.