
Introduction into different reasons why people communicate.
Babies are great communicators. They communicate from day one, through sounds (crying, cooing, squealing) facial expressions (eye contact, smiling, grimacing) as well as gestures and body movements (moving arms and legs in excitement or distress). Most babies learn to communicate to get attention or to get a need fulfilled. They continue to develop more sophisticated communication capacities and are encouraged to do so when their efforts are rewarded by appropriate and timely responses from people around them. As adults we are not that different. Throughout our everyday lives, we are constantly communicating both verbally and non-verbally. Over the time we learn how to communicate best with various people and in different situations. We continue to develop and expand our communication capacities when our efforts are successfully received by the people around us. Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another.
People communicate for a number of different reasons.
Give information/receive information- When a parent and teacher have a good communication relationship a child always benefits. They need to tell each other important information about a child. A teacher keeps a parent informed about. Example - child’s progress at school, what kind of day a child had, which school activities is school providing. On other hand it’s important to receive information from parent too. Example - if a child is healthy, if they have any allergies, what they like to do/what they don’t like to do. Or who is picking them up from school.
To promote healthy and happy development of a child we must know the child better. That is the reason why a teacher needs to talk to parents and get information from them about their child. These information’s help us to understand a child better and sometimes even in difficult situation understand why a child was...