

For this assignment we will be looking at Communication within the Health sector. We will be look at a brief description of what communication is. The assignment will look at explaining the importance of effective communication in healthcare, why it is important and what could happen if communication is not effective. We will also look at the range of communication skills that are used in the health sector which will link into a swot analysis of my communication strengths and weaknesses. From the swot I will introduce an action plan which will focus on one area of communication that I am particularly weak in and try to strengthen that weakness, the assignment will then focus on that one skill and explain it in a little more detail.


Urmala Rai (2009) defines communication in her book ‘Effective Communication’ as a two-way process - sending the right message that is also being correctly received and understood by the other person/s.

It is important how people around you interpret your message for communication to be effective (Hibbard 2009). Hibard also goes on to say communication is most effective when using body language, speech, touch, eye contact and listening. without these basic forms of communication, the message can be misunderstood or fail to get through
(Hibbard 2009).

Shannon and Weaver were engineers working for the Bell Telephone Company. Between them both they designed the most influential of all early communication models (see appendix 1). Shannon and Weavers goal was to formulate a theory to guide the efforts of engineers in finding the most efficient way of transmitting electrical signals from one location to another. They later introduced a mechanism in the receiver which corrected four differences between the transmitted and received signal; this monitoring or correcting mechanism was the forerunner of the now widely used concept of feedback.
(Chandler D, 2012)

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