Date – 14th January 2015
Time – 11.30am
Facilitated by – Donna Rowe-Lewis (deputy manager)
Persons to attend – Tracy Watts, Madelene Kostromin, Kirsty Edwards, Marie Foley, Eirys Hark, Dawn Hammond, Cathy Davies, Sam Williams.
Matters to discuss
* Training audit sheet
Each member of staff will need to complete one of these with the relevant information. This is then each person’s responsibility to keep safe and up to date. These can be kept in your staff files but must be updated by yourselves and you need to make Jen aware of any refreshing courses required to assure your training is kept up to date.
* School requests
Can we encourage the children to put on their own coats? So when we go outside bring in the coats of the children and place the hoods on the children’s head so they can try and put them on themselves. If they find it really difficult try again in a couple of months. Also shoes, can we encourage them, when we use the sensory room or soft play area, to take off and put on their own shoes. This will be a great help for the school when it comes to gym days and going home time.
Encourage more basic play skills like stacking cups and posting shapes.
* First 15mins of the day and 30mins end of am session reminder
This time can be used for setting up the room ready for the session, small group time, catching up on any paperwork notes, cleaning, display prep…always something that needs doing so can we use the time please?
* Key children
Any concerns with any of your key children can you write down and hand it to me in time for next baseline meeting please?
* Dates in diary
New starter little girl, August born, home visit Jan 19th 10.30, key worker – Madelene.
Alison (link teacher) coming for informal visit of setting Tuesday 20th and to observe planning session on January 28th.
Jen visiting Stepping Stones January 28th 11.30am, would anybody like to go along?
Shortlisting for interviews Friday...