Communications & Collaboration

Communication & Collaboration Strategy
Tamika Logan
March 7, 2011
Jeni L.   Smith

Communication & Collaboration Strategy
When we learn, two things initially happen. First, we notice new information.   We perceive and take in what is before us.   Second, we make sense of the information.   We process it ways to help us understand what’s going on and what makes the information our own.   Your learning style-your mind’s particular way of taking and processing information-is as unique as you are.   [ (Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, Shara Kravitz, 2007) ].   Communicating and collaboration are very crucial in developing a successful learning team.   As I have read and completed the assessments dealing with my learning styles and personality type, I thought about how the difference in each group member will affect how the group works together.   We bring qualities to the group that can strengthen each group member in areas that are weak.   I have learned that intrapersonal, musical, and, verbal linguistic.
Learning Styles
I have identified my learning styles as intrapersonal, musical, and verbal linguistic.   As an intrapersonal learner, I reflect on personal meaning on information, visualize information, study in quiet settings, and imagine experiments.   As a musical learner; I create rhythms out of words, beat out rhythms with hand or stick, put new material to songs I already know, and take music breaks.   As a verbal linguistic; I read text and highlight no more than 10 percent, rewrite note, outline chapters, teach someone else, and recite information or write scripts.
Personality Types
I have identified my personality types as organizer, giver, and thinker.   As a organizer I enjoy work that requires detailed planning and through, prefer to have task defined in clear and concrete terms, I need a well structured and stable environment, feel appreciated when praised for neatness, organization, and efficiency, and frequent feedback to know that I’m on...