Comp 122 Lab 5 Lab Report and Source Code

COMP 122 Lab 5 Lab Report and Source Code
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COMP 122 Week 5 iLab
Apply structured and modular design principles to write programs that meet written specifications and requirements. Develop a pseudo-code design using appropriate program structure (sequence, selection, repetition and nesting) to solve a given programming problem. Use appropriate selection and repetition statements to implement the design. Create user-defined functions to implement a modular design. Use appropriate parameter passing mechanisms for passing data into and getting data back from functions. Use ostream and iomanip formatting manipulators to display tabulated data. Design and implement a menu-driven interface.
Problem Description
This program is to give the user the option of converting a set of temperatures either from Celsius to Fahrenheit (C to F) or vice versa, from Fahrenheit to Celsius (F to C), or to quit the program. If the user selects either C to F or F to C, the program will prompt the user to enter three integer values, a starting temperature, an ending temperature, and an increment. After these values have been entered the program will display a table of equivalent C and F (or F and C) temperatures, from the starting temperature to the ending temperature and incrementing by the increment value each row.
The table must meet all of the following criteria:
The table’s column headings should display the degree symbol, e.g., °C and °F. The first column must be the “from” temperature (C for C to F or F for F to C) and the second column the “to” temperature (F for C to F or C for F to C). The calculated “to” temperatures are to be displayed to the nearest tenth of a degree (display exactly one decimal place, even if there is no fractional part, i.e., 75° should display as 75.0°). Temperatures in both columns must be number-aligned (right-justified for the...