Compare and Contrast


Option 1

Compare and contrast early vs. late selection models of attention. How well do they explain how we selectively attend to information?

(Words: 2007)

Attention is how we selectively focus on particular objects and events by identifying what is of importance and will be of use at a particular time or within a particular situation or environment (Naish 2010). Models of selective attention are concerned with how and at what stage of processing this selection takes place. Yes, good   Classic theories of selective attention believe not sure believe’s the right word – a theory is inert and can’t really believe anything that cognitive resources do not process all the information received in the same way, but that information is filtered in order to concentrate on processing and allocating attention only to   information that is needed, these are known as ‘bottleneck theories of attention’(Naish 2010). However, bottleneck theories vary according to what stage they believe that filtering takes place to focus attention. Evidence will be presented to support Broadbent’s filter of selective attention, and Treisman’s attenuation theory, in order to explore early selection theories of attention, whilst evidence from Deutsch and Deutsch will be provided to support late selection theories of attention.   You have a number of secondary references here, which should be acknowledged as such This essay will focus on auditory selection, in order to compare and contrast early selection theories of attention with late selection theories of attention, and discuss; ‘how well early and late selection models explain how we selectively attend to information’. a clear introduction, well done

Broadbent developed his theory of early selection of attention, after working with air traffic controllers during WWww2 (Driver 2001). What he noticed, was that they could only apply attention to one message at a...