Comparing relevant theories, principles and models of reflective practice
In this evaluation I will analyse and compare relevant theories, principles and models of reflective practice and explain how they relate to my practice and development.
Reflective practice is an evolving concept. In the 1930s, John Dewey defined reflective thought as:
‘Active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends.’
He set out five phases or aspects through which we can see a process of reflection. However using phrases such as phase and stage does give a sense of sequence, a set method and there seems to be no room for interaction or dialogue rather that the teacher reflects individually. Of course, this can be the case we don’t all have someone to discuss and reflect with following every teaching experience. However it there is a definite place for interaction and dialogue with e.g. colleagues, mentor in order to evaluate what has gone before and how we can move on. I have found that through reflection with my mentor and by discussing points raised I have seen my teaching from another perspective and have taken on board different approaches. Shortly after starting teaching I was keen to achieve more involvement of the students in my sessions and through reflecting with my mentor I introduced various questioning techniques that have made my sessions more interactive and have benefitted the students. This use of Blooms’ taxonomy of questioning (1956) broadened my way of thinking about questions and as well as impacting my sessions developed my literacy skills by thinking about the way in which I communicate with others and being aware of my audience.
The work of Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985), addressed emotions and reduced Dewey’s five phases to three. For them reflection is an activity in which people:
‘Recapture their experiences,...