Comparison Benchmarking

MGT 521
University of Phoenix

Analyzing the balance sheets for Exxon Mobil is telling of where an organization is going in the future, or even where an organization has come from. The following numbers are taking from and are a comparison of three organizations; Exxon Mobil, Chevron, and Valero. They cover the period from March 2011 to December 2011. During 2011, ExxonMobil saw an increase in operating revenue/revenue sales, adjustment to revenue, and cost of sales. They have also seen an increase in accounts receivable but saw a dip in total current assets. Exxon Mobil Corporation is currently rated as having Aggressive Accounting & Governance Risk (AGR). This places them in the 31st percentile among all companies, indicating higher Accounting & Governance Risk (AGR) than 69% of companies. AGR scores are based on statistical analysis of accounting and governance risk factors. Lower scores indicate scores indicate heighten cooperate integrity risk. That normally indicates the likelihood of future class action litigation. High scores by Exxon Mobil indicate that the organization is trustworthy. This is especially important for Exxon Mobil because it wasn’t want to long ago the organization was reeling from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The organization continues to make a profit and also continues to find ways to help the environment through some stakeholders ( 2012).
Exxon Mobil has researched liquid fuels and oil will continue to be the world’s largest energy source going into 2040. This will meet at least one third of the demand.   The organization estimates that globally, demand for liquid fuel will rise about 30 percent over the next 30 years. Advances in technology will be key to expanding liquid fuel supplies. As conventional crude oil production holds relatively flat through 2040, demand growth will be met by newer sources. The biggest gains will come from global deep-water production, which more than...