
AG15 Reflective Accounts

This piece is to look back at the IAG Level 3 Advice and Guidance NVQ and I am going to give a reflective account on how it has influenced, helped and how much of an impact it has had with my work at Sencia and how it has helped me with working with our clients.

What went well?

The time I have spent in the weeks since starting this course have been very good and have given me an excellent insight and knowledge in great detail. I have learnt that it is so important to have good communication skills with our clients and is Important to give them a nicer environment and time to all of our clients. Also how to identify the different needs of each client using different forms of communication such as verbal, non verbal, written and visual communication. Having looked into all of this types of communication, I am able to understand and communicate better which at the end of this I am able to give our clients a much better experience at Sencia and inevitably they are able to learn more. Giving them more time individually I have also learnt is very important. Whilst I have been doing this course I have found that although it is very important to give out clients a plan and targets I feel it is very important that I have a personal plan to ensure that I can develop as a person within Sencia and I can ensure that I am always learning new skills to help our clients.

Looking at AG1 and AG2 has allowed me to look at communication as a whole and also at the way I communicate within Sencia and help support our clients. AG1 and AG2 has also opened my eyes and showed me that I really need to give more time to our clients on an individual basis to ensure I diagnose their needs more sufficiently.

AG15 has allowed me to look at myself and really identify what I can really offer our clients on program. It has allowed me to identify my strengths and weaknesses and has allowed to work on my weaknesses. As well as showing me I can make a big...