
Confidentiality plays a big role when you’re a practitioner as you cannot share information about people without their knowledge and agreement. Enrolment forms, staff applications, medical files and parent conferences should be put in a locked cabinet and in a locked room so people without authority cant get access to these. If there are documents on a computer then this should always be password protected and only the manager and the office assistant can get access to these. If there’s an issue that needs discussing about a child in your working environment then this should be done privately away from people to over hear the conversation. If it’s a parent you need to talk to then this can be done in a parents room, if the setting doesn’t provide one of these then a closed office will do.
It's important that referrals are made for the child to get the best possible outcome, the earlier we identify means the child will get the best possible support. If children do not get the help they need at the right time this could have an effect on the child's well being. If a practitioner identifies that a child may need help they will do observations and record all evidence so this can be referred to the correct profession. For example if a child doesn't listen to you when you are directly talking to them on several occasions they may have trouble with hearing this may need to be referred to a support service for deaf children or children who have impaired hearing. Panels are usually made up of different agencies and these panels look at and decide the best possible decision that will benefit the child. These panels have been set up to aim towards a target to ensure a child’s needs are identified and assessed quickly and referred to the appropriate setting, coordinate provision through the development of partnership with parents, settings and different agencies and support inclusion in mainstream early years settings. There are several different groups such as Social...